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18.04.2024 23:00 - Leones The first correct SUDOKU - Gratulujeme!
18.04.2024 21:06 - waty 50th SUDOKU correctly solved - Gratulujeme!
18.04.2024 13:44 - knapova 500th SUDOKU correctly solved - Gratulujeme!
18.04.2024 07:11 - soča 4000th SUDOKU correctly solved - Gratulujeme!
18.04.2024 22:52 - Leones registration
games played in 24h1793
correctness of the solution92.7%
number of duells178
total players2939
Last solved SUDOKU
07:27 SUDOKU X + Center Dot (19.04) aLeNkA2791
07:27 sudoku 17 (18.04) Richard2691
07:25 light SUDOKU X (19.04) jana2999
07:24 light SUDOKU X (19.04) jsem3044
07:23 sudoku 17 (18.04) tom0762893