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09.05.2024 09:03 - Zychy 20th SUDOKU correctly solved - Gratulujeme!
07.05.2024 17:44 - David Ježek 100th SUDOKU correctly solved - Gratulujeme!
07.05.2024 03:48 - bertík 4000th SUDOKU correctly solved - Gratulujeme!
06.05.2024 17:07 - kabul Correctly solved 5th SUDOKU - Gratulujeme!
06.05.2024 15:08 - Espe registration

12.06.2023 22:04:33

Ta měsíční tabulka ze dne 12.6. asi nějak nesedí.

games played in 24h1656
correctness of the solution89%
number of duells92
total players2963
Last solved SUDOKU
11:35 Classic sudoku (09.05) reconquistador662670
11:35 SUDOKU X (05.05) pirana3103
11:34 Irregulání sudoku (jigsaw) (08.05) zby2983
11:34 Even sudoku (09.05) kometa3016
11:34 Center dot (09.05) hanka0