
The first SUDOKU

01.05.2024 01:59:00

Total Games _

0 Přelož:procento 0 %

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He doesn't have the right solution yet

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Daily chart
Histogram - denních pozic
ELO - online souboje
Duels - 2 : 7, celkem soubojů 9
17.04.2024 23:30:31 - Even sudokuCoachrahama1 : 0
29.11.2022 23:11:05 - Even sudokuCoachrahama1 : 0
27.08.2022 16:58:06 - Even sudokuNAM.manrahama0 : 1
22.01.2022 23:22:30 - Even sudokudecakrahama1 : 0
14.11.2021 22:34:28 - Even sudokuandreeaa66rahama1 : 0
21.09.2021 22:56:21 - Even sudokuMilda1308rahama1 : 0
28.08.2021 23:52:57 - Even sudokuCoachrahama1 : 0
21.05.2021 20:56:23 - Even sudokucezarrahama1 : 0
16.04.2021 19:06:51 - Even sudokustrigarahama0 : 1